Tuesday, 22 March 2011

A quick synopsis

The main theme behind my short film is the idea of someone being bullied and it explores the idea that the way someone enjoys themselves (in this case the main character playing a game aimed at children) can be changed depending on the people they are friends with outside of that environment, the film starts off with a general routine of making youtube videos for youtube  about his hobby and they way the main characters life is mainly on youtube and how important the videos are to him as they make him happy, at this point its introduced that the main character is getting ready for a big event which could change his life as the prize money amounts to a large sum, however all he has to do to get the money is to win the event. This all seems good and simple as he then prepares to do a video at his school as he introduces the way of how he will win, this is cut short as the agent of change enters, a friend from school enters the shot and bullies the main character taking the winning cards away and ripping them up, this later on leads to a greif scene where the main character talks to youtube apologising about what will happen and that he has to sort something out. The way the film then develops is by developing the point that working with the so called bully may actually help him, by borrowing the money he needs to replace the cards that where ripped up, another dilemma is then caused as the main character is then put under pressure for winning as a threat is then introduced, the following shots then show the character under stress and questioning how good things are going. In the final scene the bully enters smashing up the surrounding area with a weapon of some kind (sporting equipment) and then proceeds to the main character where things could go wrong, the climax ends in the money being replaced and equilibrium is then restored.


Audience is a key feature bear in mind when looking at developing a short film. My short film has a base around friendship and the main character has to become friends with a group of two different friendship groups. The main theme of the short film is yugioh (a children’s card game) which for me is a popular game in which people play to socialise together and to generally have fun, however people tend to take the understanding that yugioh is a children’s card game and tend to bully people who play it. The audience who may decide to watch this will be similar to myself and people interested in the card game may wish to watch this in order to see a persons opinion on this. The age group aimed at this are teenagers to possibly mid 20’s. As this is the main group of people who play yugioh is of this age. People may also look into this film for an opinion of people who get bullied. This may interest different groups of people just based of the representation of the main characters.  The film is also about being bullied and the impacts this may leave on one person’s life, this is also relatable to some people in their school years, as the main scene is at school, mixing the groups of at school with people who play card games aimed at a children market or commonly associated with a children’s market allows a new audience to be a main focus, as this would also be considered a niche market, the idea of the film is to address the bulling idea and how the character deals with it meaning it could possibly be a useful resource for teachers and people suffering with similar problems as they feel they can relate to the problems represented.

Poster analysis

(actual poster to follow)
Above is the short film poster for the black button, this poster portrays the image of the film and the actual black button with a finger ready to push it. This is the main point of the film and whether or not the main character pushes the button, the film name is printed in black above this printed on the right hand side, this is more unusual as people read from left to right. The name is also written in black reflecting the name of the film and comparing it to the main point of the film. The name for the film is printed in a different font but one that corresponds with the actual black button suggesting that the film may be based around an old theme, the white background also reinforces this idea is the actual theme of the film is about heaven and the choices we make and how they determine where we end up and how we end up doing them. The film poster is basic with very little information presented on it, however the final point for this is that the main choice of the film is represented above the title of the film, this makes the audience read this part of the poster first, although the font is not as bold it is the same font making it relate to the black button film and making sure that it is actually related to the film.  There are some smaller details for example the company or the people who made the film as well as another production they made along side, compared to an actual film poster it lacks some information and has a more simplistic approach, however you do not need to include all the extra information as short films are on a smaller scale and aimed at a niche market.